Saturday, October 10, 2009

Marathon bib numbers:

Thanks again or all the support..we def have a unique team a team that supports each other thru the distance.....GO SKULLS!!!

Here are the bib numbers:

Sarah 1096
Kim 23112
Ashley 3592
Francisco (AKA Budddy) 5811
Heather 5594
Diane 7061
carlos (please post)
John (please post)
Mike B (please post)
If I forgot anyone please post your numbers...I didn't have everyones numbers to call you.



Anonymous said...

Best wishes everyone!

Jim Sz and Austin

Anonymous said...

Bib # 1790 for Carlos V. Wishing all skulls a safe, good, and strong run.

Carlos V.

Anonymous said...

Look for Steve A. Jim R. and Brian N. at Aid Station 3. (Lincoln Park Zoo area) We'll be on the West side of Stockton Dr.

Anonymous said...

If you're a marathoner and you're reading this - you're up too late.

If you're having trouble sleeping try counting the people you'll pass tomorrow.

The Skullmaster