Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wednesday Track Workout

Meet at Tinley Park High School Track. Be warmed up and ready to roll by 6:50.

We're going to do longer intervals ( 800, 1000, 1200, 1600, 400) still with full recovery ( but a little bit slower than the past two weeks) - the purpose of this workout as with the last two is improve running economy (the amount of energy you'll use at a given pace) and speed. Next week we move to shorter intervals with much shorter rest - which will increase.

BE SURE to folow the suggested pace charts -the danger with going too fast is no better results are obtained and the excessive pace will leave you overstressed for the next training session and at risk for a potential injury. If you want to run faster in practice run a faster race and you can move down to the next level.

Expect to peak between May 15- June 30. Pick a couple to races to run during this time frame and show off your fitness.

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