Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Winds of Change - Workout 3/30

Tomorrow marks the end of our 2nd phase of training - strength building.
The next 7 weeks will be geared towards improving our speed, and the ability to hold a fast pace longer.
That means tempo runs on Saturdays (we will still throw in a few hills) and speedwork on the track starting next Wednesday.
Remember we are planning these workouts so you hit your peak between May 14th and June 18th. If one of your target races falls outside these dates see one of the coaches and we will work with you.
This week one, more week of running in the dark - meet at the Human Race - The workout starts at 6:30


Anonymous said...

From Jamie.. I will be there unless work prevents me from it... Any other of my possies going to be there?

Anonymous said...

I will be there