Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wednesday Practice

Note to all newer members of TT&T on Wednesday - finish your warm-up by 6:45 and meet over in the corner of the track where we met last week. I would like to go over with you the philosophy of the team and how we can best make it work for you so you acheive your running goals. I'll be able to answer any of your questions at that time.

Everyone else - warm-up and be ready to go by 7 pm.

Something to think about - several of our Group 2 runners have approached me about Saturday runs. If you are interested in getting together with some of your teammates on Saturday mornings let me know. If we have enough interest I'll try to get something organized.


Michelle said...

I'm def interested in the Group 2 runners circle :) I cannot commit to being there consistently but I know for sure this Sat and 2 in March I can make a Sat morn run.


Anonymous said...

Great turn-out yesterday. It was awesome to see so many eager new faces...