Monday, May 31, 2010

Track Practice - Wednesday

Tinley Park High School Track
Wednesday be warmed up and ready to go by 6:45.
We'll be doing a ladder workout of some sort.

Who raced this weekend?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Saturday Practice - Memorial Day Weekend

If you're not racing until Monday - run with us on Saturday.

40 Acre Woods (119th & LaGrange) 8 AM.

Good luck to everyone who is racing and God Bless America.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Wednesday Practice

This practice is geared toward those that are racing this weekend. What are you signed up for?

3 x 400 at 5K race pace
2 x 400 at 3 seconds faster than race pace
2 x 400 at 7 seconds faster than race pace

1 mile time trial.

Be at Tinley Park High School Track - warmed up at and ready to go by 6:45.

Last week we had 26 runners of all abilities doing the workout. If you haven't come out yet this year now is the time. You'll have someone to run with and you'll get to share in all the cool vibes of your fellow athletes as they get faster every week.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What a Great Practice!

It was pretty cool last night to see 26 athletes working really hard to become better runners.
Try to sign up for a race next weekend and take advantage of your fitness.

Saturday Practice - Meet at Little Red School House at 8:00 a.m.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Monday & Wedneday

Monday - meet at Swallow Cliff South at 6:15. If you are going to be there please sign into the blog so anyone else that is planning to go will know.

Wednesday - Tinley Park H.S. Track be warmed up and ready to go by 6:45. Consider running a race this upcoming Memorial Day weekend. The practices we've been doing are preparing you to run a good one. Tower Trot or Ridge Run are good choices.

Jon Sipich ran a 5K PR over the weekend.

Thinking of a track meet maybe June 23rd. We'll invite some other teams to join in. More details to follow.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Saturday -- Train where many legends were born!

If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run - Yours is the Earth and everything in it, And which is more - you'll be a Man, my son. Rudyard Kipling.

Join us at the I&M Canal at 8 a.m. Park in the Metra/Trail Lot which is on Archer Road just west of Willow Springs Road. A map is attached for your convenience.

There is an 8, 11, and 19 mile option. This course is almost impossible to get lost on so if you're directionally or pace challenged you'll be safe here.

Keep in mind the Ridge Run on Memorial Day - it has been deemed an official reunion run for all current & past members of the best running team in the area.

Note: If you're going to post negative comments on the site - please have the guts to attach your name.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wednesday Practice

Tinley Park High School track. Be warmed up and ready to go by 6:45.

The intervals this week will be a little bit longer as we move closer to simulating actual race conditions.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Saturday Practice

8 am Little Red Schoolhouse. Long Run.
Positive vibes go out to our ultramarathoners racing Sat -Tony & Steve.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Tinley Track & Trail 10 Year Reunion Race

In honor of TT&T achieving this great milestone of 10 years together we thought we'd try to get everyone together regardless of whether you ran with TTT the first 2 years or the last 2 (or any in between for that matter) and reminisce about all the good times. Long lost skull Candy Herrick has communicated the following through the Skullmaster, and I have been given the honor of posting. More details will follow shortly in the right hand column.

Hello Fellow Skulls,
It's been awhile hasn't it? Could it be 10 years since we really got this group going? I know a lot has changed since then and I thought after 10 long years we should get everyone together and catch up. There's no better way to get everyone together than at a race. The Ridge Run in Beverly offers a 5K and 10K, so enter for the distance that fits your current physical condition. If you have no physical condition these days, why not put on a fanny pack and walk hand in hand with the other walkers in the 5K walk. Or you could always cheer on your favorite skull and throw balloons at their next closest competitors.

The website for the race is as follows:

I do know that Dick's Sporting Goods will be promoting this race as part of their National Runners Month - so if you are considering this event, do not delay and sign up today!!
It would be great to see you and please forward to any skulls I omitted- I am pretty sure my email address list is outdated.

Hugs and Kisses,

Skull Princess

Monday, May 03, 2010

Wednesday Night Practice

Some great racing performances this weekend.... Great work everyone.

Wednesday night meet at Tinley Park High School Track. It's two blocks east of Ridgeland on 175th street. Be warmed up and ready to start by 6:45. We'll start back with some intervals and work on the anaerobic side of our energy system.