Sunday, July 08, 2007

July 11th Practice - Be At the Park at 6:45

TT&T will be off the track for the next 5 weeks working on building our strength with longer intervals and tempo runs. It is also a time to recover a bit from the first half of the season so you want to approach the time of the track with a little less intensity. Run the intervals and tempos hard but hold back a little bit. There will be plenty of time to go after it - once we go back to the track in August.

For the next three weeks we are going to meet at Vogt Woods Park in Tinley Park. It is at 6527 West 171st. That is on 171st a few blocks east of Oak Park Ave. Park towards the eastern end of the park by the football field.

This location is only about 1-1/2 miles from the track so it should be convenient for everyone.
On Wednesday we will be doing mile repeats (about 10-15 seconds per mile slower than on the track but with a slightly shorter rest interval)

A note to marathoners: I want to emphasize how important it is to set a specific goal and pace for your marathon. If you do not run the marathon at a consistent, even pace the last few miles will be miserable - you will finish but it won't be fun. In addition, you need to set this goal so you know how fast to run your long runs and also your marathon pace runs.

Here is a link that will give you an appoximation of your expected marathon time based on a shorter distance. Note it needs to be entered in Kilometers. It's not exact but it will give you a starting point. I will also be happy to work with you to set a goal pace.

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