Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Practice Wednesday Nov 1st

Meet at Centenial Park in Orland - Park at the far southern end of the train station parking lot off of 153rd Street. Start your warm-up at 6:30 and meet back in the parking lot.

I may not be there until 6:40 so I'll be back after you get back from your warm-up. We will be doing a tempo run through and around the park.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Practice Saturday October 28th

The trails will probably suck. so we'll hit the roads

Meet at 40 Acre Woods at 8:30. We'll run over and do the Palos Road Runners tempo course. Here is a map of the course. Be there by 8:30


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Post Marathon Practice

Our Marathoners ran well on Sunday despite challenging conditions.
Jim Raymond - 3:12:51 PR, now known as the Lincoln Continental
Carrie - 3:17:58 - wasn't feeling too hip
Spannuth 3:29:24 - leading that 3:30 pace group
Karen - 3:31:09 - a PR?
Tim Hansen - 3:32:34 - a PR?
Rachel - does anyone know her last name -

Practice Wednesday October 25th - Meet a Tinley Park High School. We will depart at 6:30 and run to mile park. Recovering marathoners will get a chance to get in some easy miles?
We will continue to run speedwork for the next several weeks to prepare ourselves for the upcoming Turkey Trots.

Whatever happened to Jim Sz, Brian Gleich, Charlene etc. Send me an e-mail and let me know what's up.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Good Luck Marathoners

There is no formal run scheduled on Saturday. If anyone is interested in running tomorrow at around 8:30 e-mail me richm259@comcast.net

Good Luck Marathoners continue hydrating and keep thinking positive thoughts. The pre-race meeting spot is in the Hilton off of Michigan on that main entrance stairway going to the second floor. Be there at 6:15. Do not follow Jim Raymond's pre-race ritual he has a habit of getting to the line late. Good Luck and may the wind be at your back.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Practice Wednesday October 18th

Meet at Tinley High School Track

We'll have a special workout for the marathoners and something different for our 5 & 10Kers.
Try to have your warm-up done by 6:40 so we can get started.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Practice Saturday October 14th

Meet at Little Red School House at 8:30. Marathoners should do no more than 10. But most of that should be at their marathon race pace. 5Kers should run with the maratoners and push in the finish.

Marathoners be sure to taper - lower your mileage considerably next week. However when you do run - get some miles in at exact marathon race pace so your body knows what to expect on 10/22.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Practice Wednesday 10/11

Due to the upcoming marathon and various scheduling issues - the turnout tonight may light however if you are interested go to Tinley Park High School and run on the track. Start the workout at 6:30.
I would recoomend doing 800's - Yassos for the marathoners and general speedwork 800's for everyone else.

I will not be able to make it. So if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at richm259@comcast.net

Friday, October 06, 2006

Last Long Run for Marathoners!!!!

Marathoners come on out. This should be your last long run. We're running Old Plank Road which repilcates the course of the Chicago Marathon. We'll do a 10 mile out and back then a 4-8 mile out & back. So you'll get a chance to hydrate. Miles are marked so it will be a good chance to work on your pacing.

Take LaGrange South Past Route 30 Go under the Arrowhead bridge. Turn left on Nebraska and pull into the park district parking lot. This is the parking lot we meet at for the Short Run on a Long Day in Frankfort. We'll start at 8:19

Monday, October 02, 2006

Practice Wednesday 10/4

Meet at Tinley Park High School Track. Have your warm-up completed by 6:40.

We'll be doing 400s.