Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wednesday Practice March 19th

Meet at the Human Race Sports(152nd & LaGrange) we'll start the road workout at 6:30.


Anonymous said...


Heloise says use a toothbrush, dishwashing soap, and water to spiff up those soiled shoes from Saturday's cross-country fartlek through the glacier.

One Tuff Mudder

Anonymous said...

Skulls don't wash their dirty shoes. They give them to their proud Mums on Mother's Day.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Helpful Hints. I was going to do all this, and was even looking for some white shoe polish for the leather. (Anyone still have some left over from their 1970's disco shoes?)
Then, I decided to leave them dirty and wear them in memory of having survived Big Bertha 4 times in one run.

Anonymous said...

I will not be at Wednesday practice. After last Wednesday the plantar fascilitis I have been dealing with the last month flared up. I am going to take ten days off and see how it feels. I signed up for the Chicago Marathon and do not want this to bother me all summer. I will join you guys again when I the heel starts to feel good again.

Mike Blake