Friday, July 21, 2006

Practice Saturday July 22nd

It's about 13 weeks until the Marathon. That means the M'ers should be doing a long run of about 15-16 miles. Let's meet at Waterfall Glen(the trailhead is on Cass Ave. about 2 blocks south of I-55) tomorrow at 8:15. Marathoners can start earlier and jump in with us at 8:15 or they can add on some extra miles afterwards.

In either case those running at 8:15 be on time so the marathoners don't need to wait for us on their second loop.

Go Floyd!


Anonymous said...

FYI - There is a CARA race at Waterfall Glen on July 22 starting at 8:00.

Rich said...

flash06The race starts at the Argonne Family Park further South on Cass and shouldn't affect parking too much. Be aware of a few traffic delays.

NOW there will be water on the course.