Monday, October 11, 2010

Marathon Monday

Well gang it was a tough day out there yesterday with the heat. The fickle Chicago weather threw a wrench into a lot of runners race plans. After the hot summer everyone was acclimatized to the heat about a month ago - but the cooler days recently took away a bit of that adaption. One of the worst things was, it wasn't expected to be so warm so most runners did not adjust their pace until it was too late.

The good news was everyone finished. Recover and regroup and there are still some Fall races you can take advantage of with your fitness.

Marathoners - no workout on Wednesday. If you want come by and jog a few miles to circulate the biojunk through your legs. But you're invited to stop by after the workout for some beverages and a bite. We'll head over to Bailey on Oak Park Ave at 745 or so. Please stop by, we want to hear your war stories.

Everyone else be warmed up on the track and ready to go by 6:40.


Anonymous said...

CONRATS to all!!
Come out for a visit next year see your Nations capital
OCT 2011.

Your East coast Rep

Anonymous said...

What no times on anyone !

Anonymous said...

Sarah 301
Jerry 333
Sue 438
Nick 500
Francisco DNS
Michelle 341
Diane 341
Gaspar 403
Gerry C 334
Brian O 341
Dennis 431
Pat 428