Monday, October 04, 2010

Marathoners are you ready????

Taper, Stretch, Hydrate, Carb Up - Repeat. Just a few more days until showtime. The weather looks good so it's time to lock in that race plan and trust your training.

Wednesday - Meet at the track - be warmed up and ready to go at 6:40. Marathoners will do some repeat miles at race pace. Everyone else will do something else - I'm still formulating.


Anonymous said...

Taper Time Tantrum

'I cannot run again today,'
Said little Betty Ann Bengay.
'My quads are cramped.
My nerves are shot.
I think I might have purple snot.
My arch is pulled.
My glutes are sore.
My back it doesn’t bend no more.
My feet they have this awful smell.
I have another black toenail.
My elbow aches each time I pee.
And what’s that grinding in my knee?
I have a stress fracture. In my skull.
My friends, they say, I’m full of bull.
I think I may have pulled a lung.
Eleven miles ain’t a REAL long run!
My legs they are no longer speedy.
My husband thinks I’m really needy.
If I run more will I get faster?
Will micro-tears just cause disaster?
I think that I should carbo-load.
Uh oh. No way. Where’s the commode?
My glycogen is kinda spent.
I know my shin, it needs a splint.
My singlet smells like something funky.
And don’t you think my butt looks chunky?
My IT band no longer bends.
When will this taper ever end?
My hamstrings hurt and--what?
What’s that you say?
You say today is...marathon day?
G'bye. I’m going out to run.'

Found this...GOOD LUCK TTT!!
Love Carrie

Anonymous said...

From an article in Running Times
How to run a bad marathon

1. Spend all day at the expo.

2. Eat all the free food at the expo.

3. Buy lots of new stuff to wear in Sunday's race.

4. Go sightseeing to take your mind off the race.

5. At dinner, eat as much pasta as you possibly can.

6. Force yourself to go to bed early so that you’re well-rested.

7. When you get up on race morning, two options: Skip breakfast so that you feel nice and light, or eat a hearty breakfast to ensure that you’re well-fueled.

8. Do an extensive warm-up, including lots of sprints so that marathon pace will feel easier.

9. You’re going to be out there for hours, so wear plenty of clothes to keep your muscles warm.

10. Get out hard to build a time cushion to counterbalance the inevitable late-race slowing.