Thursday, April 01, 2010

The Hills Are Alive........

.........with the sound of wheezing

Palos hills are for the potty chair set. Put on your big kid pants and join in Lemont this Saturday. Meet at 7:30 a.m while we do one of the longest hills in the area - 1100 yards straight up. Meet at Old Quarry Middle School in Lemont - 16100 W. 127th (between Lemont Road and 355)It is a 3.0 mile warm-up to the hill.

If you prefer to do a shorter warm-up meet at the hill at 8:00. The hill is at Main St. & 4th St. near downtown Lemont.


Anonymous said...

So just how does the Skullmaster alter his blog image from season to season? Anyone know.

Anonymous said...

I do.
