Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wednesday Practice

Let's work on better coordination of timing so neither the indoor or outdoor warm-up group is standing around waiting for the workout to start. Let's shoot for 7:00 sharp to start the actual work-out.

Outdoor warm-up group that means we will start promptly at 6:30. We'll be back in by 6:55 so you have 5 minutes to change clothes and get ready. Indoor warm-up group you can start whatever time you want but I would time your warm-up to finish just a few minutes before 7.

We'll be doing some tempo intervals.

We still have some spots for Yoga on Saturday if anyone is interested. It starts at 11:45. We'll start our Saturday morning run a little later so we can go stright from the run to Yoga.


Anonymous said...

I am going to attempt to be there...prob a little b4 7 tho


Anonymous said...

I'll be there at 8:15pm... will y'all still be there?

Anonymous said...

Yes......we will meet you at the EXsenator's in Harvey on 159th street. Be sure to wear a lot of white.

Anonymous said...

Exsenator's is actually in Markham