Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Due to a few people asking we will have a practice on Wednesday at 6:15 at the Human Race. Be sure to sign into the blog if you plan to be there. Good luck on all those Turkey Trots. There will be an organized run next Saturday - Little Red Schoolhouse at 8:30.

We have a lot to be thankful for this year - here are a few of mine - feel free to submit your own.

Austin's leopard earmuffs
Carries constant chatter on a run
Darcy's constant objections that she will run a good marathon
Tim Hansen's icy water bottles at the marathon.
The Continental's yellow outfit at the marathon


Anonymous said...

What Trots are there on Turkey Day...other than Orland? Isn't there an offroad one somewhere?

I should be there Wed night...


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for Carl's awesome wind suit..matching turquoise and purple...beautiful colors for him.
Also, Rich's one and only just keeps on keepin' him warm, even withouts its' mate.
Oh, and Carrie's constant is great to hear her creative questions and genuine concerns for all of the issues that the skulls keep inside.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for Rich not asking us to go for a swim...with him in the creek... at 40 Acre woods. that cold ass day. He's a wild thing in the woods.

Anonymous said...

Check for trots. I found over a dozen races and know not all are listed on the site.

I am thankful for a good group last Wednesday. Austin's still pumped from the run.

We won't be there Wednesday night.

Jim Sz

Anonymous said...

Does the club now consist of primarily a few runners? All anyone talks about is Carrie, Darcy, Rich, Carl, Mike and Jim. It is sad to think what the club began as and has now turned into a clique of certain runners. Rich, maybe you can understand now why the club has decreased in size...

Anonymous said...

The club consists of a few hard working, dedicated, determined, high energy, POSITIVE, motivated, team oriented runners who all want to RUN, have fun, and support each other. Rich is amazing. His dedication to the team is inspiring. Runners RUN, they don't sit around complaining over an anonymous signed blog and whining about what used to be. If you would like to RUN with the FEW, join us, you will have a good run and lots of laughs. If you are still sad about "what once was", get over it, and get a life!!!

Anonymous said...

There is no need to be mean! Comments are there to show successes and gaps in our team. It is true that TTT is now only for fast runners. There is no reason to be in a team and then run solo, but that does not mean that person is doing nothing.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Peace!

Anonymous said...

It would be great if the anonymous complainer would call me or e-mail me to chat. 630-697-1499 This team tries pretty hard to be as inclusive as possible but it's hard to workout problems via a blog.

Call me......


Brian said...

Our numbers do vary throughout the year as people come and go. I do not believe that the amount of people that are mentioned on a blog defines a running club. Carrie, Darcy, Rich, Carl, Mike and Jim happen to be the clubs favorites so we talk about them a lot. If 1 person shows up we run, if 30 people show up we run. We are a fun, running club that enjoy the company of others who enjoy running. Everyone is welcome whether they want to show up once a month or twice a week, if they are a beginner or a top age grouper. We would even welcome bitter ex-coaches that troll our blog to join us for a run. That is what makes this a great group.

Happy Thanksgiving…..

I will be there for Wednesday’s practice…


Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm slow and I'm popular Wheeee!...and I only show up once in a while...only so I am in good enough shape to lay a smack-down on said ex-coach whenever I encounter him!

I am thankful for people who can stand up for what they believe by SIGNING their posts.

Hugs and kisses,

Anonymous said...

Hoots and kisses to all!!
I will not be at practice on Wednesday...enjoy the run!

Anonymous said...

Who said the number of runners have gone down ? most of the summer we had 15 to 30 runners out on wed.and sat.

Anonymous said...

And yet another thing I'm thankful for...a good memory!

If my memory serves correctly, when I started running with TT&T, the Jeff Wagner told me on more than one occasion that he was shaping the team as an ELITE group of runners. The exact wording escapes me, but it was something to the effect of "We don't want any 5 hour marathoners here, they can run with the CARA group." Perhaps someone else recalls this, I know I wasn't the only one present when it was spoken at Chipotle over a post-run burrito. That, my friends, combined with Rich's open attitude towards anyone who wishes to come out is quite the contrast.

So, anonymous complainer, please come back, you'd be welcomed no matter what your speed, unlike when the club was under the "tutelage" of one Jeff Wagner.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lot's of drama on the blog this week! I am thankful to have such a great group of people to run with...whether they've been with the group since the start or have just recently joined. All I can say is that I've felt nothing but welcome, since the first day I came to run with the group. I even took about a half of year off, but when I returned I was welcomed as if I was never gone. Thank you Rich for dedicating so much of your time to coach and organize this wonderful group!
I'll be there Wed. Night!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankfulfor the contract with Nike the team is signing next year.

Carl said...

I'm thankful for...:

A diverse team that makes this blog so interesting.
People who sign their name because they stand up for what they believe in.
Those who no longer run with us, but care so much to check the blog and see we're doing well.
My fellow teammates who successfully identified the anonymous blogger and are not detered by his comments.
The fact that TTT is a thriving club that welcomes all runners regardless of speed or ability... like Rock Casualties, we don't discriminate.
The Skullmaster... he lives in all of us!

I will be there Wed. Night (awesome windsuit and all)

Anonymous said...

Just a few thoughts please.

I travel a distance to be with you Land of Lincolners, and I do so because it is a very special relationship for me.

While it is true that there are many faster runners in the group, and upon my recollection, there always has been, I enjoyed it best when we had the numbers to form groups 1, 2 and 3. We all did the same workout, but at our own pace.

Perhaps a group run at the slowest runner's pace is something to think about.

We cannot force anyone to come to a workout. Try to buddy up with someone at or near your ability, but come out nonetheless. Many times I have asked where is this guy or gal, or have you seen so and so. You are genuinely missed.

At times, I too have found myself running quite alone at 40 acres, Little Red on the track, etc., to just complete a workout. It paid in competition, because we all struggle to the finish line on our own power.

TTT is a very diverse running club. Gender, ethnicity,age,humor, social and economic backgrounds differ widely, but each of us brings a unique palpable input to the club, our individual personalities.

Lives change, personal obligations need to be addressed, but the nice thing to remember is........if you want to run, you always have a home at TTT.

We need your input, we need your ideas,we need your presence, and we need YOU! The great DAVE (Van Halen)received a warm reception at a recent workout. It was good to have the young holligan back,even for a short time.

I workout with runners from Evanston to Valparaiso to Cedar Lake to Orland Park and places in between.

Noone is on all the time, but the lesser groups form and sadly dissinigrate quickly. The longevity and strength of this Team, are the members. Whether you believe it or not, you have been and still are very much a part of our greatness!

So this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for TTT and every runner and coach, female or male, past or present, that I have had the good fortune of being around at a TTT gathering. You have resurrected me, in ways you may never know, and I wouldn't be the runner or person I am now, without this association. Thank you all.


Anonymous said...

If you like pumpkin pie and are willing to run 6 miles to get it, try the Highland Pumkin Plod.

9:00am Thanksgiving day, about $15.00.
Highland's Lincoln Fieldhouse:

Half block East of Indianapolis Blvd. at Lincoln Street, Highland, In.

Anonymous said...

With such a passionate and well spoken bunch of responses - it's amazing there is not a waiting list to get on this team.

Those standing on the shore afraid to jump in are missing the boat.
Skulls Forever.

Captain Crunch

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a hardy, diverse group of purists that run as a way of life and not for show. Serious about their training and racing, but with the proper perspective.

A special thanks to The Continental for his sage wisdom and to the Skullmaster for his consistent dedication to the cause.

Looking forward to the winter jaunts in the woods, and to various and sundry other adventures that may come our way...

