Sunday, May 17, 2009

Upcoming Team Events - Mark Your Calendars

May 30th Pub Crawl

June 14th - Band on the Run - Orland Park - Good Team Race on our home course.

June 18th - Short Run on a Long Day - Frankfort - Chris may have a pool party/barbecue afterwards.

If you raced -don't be shy, post your results on the blog. The rest of the team is always interested in hearing about it.

If you haven't paid your dues yet please try to get it done this week.


Ashley said...

Sorry to break the bad news... there is no band on the run this year.... i know it's been advertised everywhere. but i know it's not happening because i work there (palos).


Anonymous said...

Early registration for short run on a long day end Tuesday,

Anonymous said...

How come Ashley? Just a cost cutting measure?

That's sad that race has been around for a long time.


Sarah said...

Ya I heard it was done too...very sad:(


Anonymous said...

First race I ran in Chicagoland. 4th race ever. 6/26/94. 23:29 About a month later I ran the Sundowner in New Lenox in a tick under 22:00. It was nice to be young.


Ashley said...

yeah, i heard they stopped the race (band on the run) because it was alot of work for how much money was made/donated from the race.